7 letras de Músicas de Tita Garcia: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Tita Garcia cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Caos
    Eu acendo um cigarro. Penso em tudo que deu errado. Eu acuso sem pensar. Amo e desamo o meu próprio lar. Não entendi como tudo aconteceu. Alguns me dizem. "Meu bem, você cresceu&qu...
  2. 2Felina
    Ela passou de forma inconsequente. Furacão tarja preta. Pura ilusão. Ela se encontra só. Felina arisca. Dona de fogo pós-juvenil. Dilacera o meu sexo. Com tuas garras em força...
  3. 3Get Yourself Better Hopes (Gybh)
    I've been into this world. not for long. But I know there's sadness and moments. that you are breaking free. Some don't know love. and the world is full of tragedies. People don't...
  4. 4Green
    Stains on the wall. My mind is green. so is your eyes. Cause, baby. it's no longer cold outside. I've been walking that road. sometimes I push people away. I used to say. "I walk faster...
  5. 5Hell On Heels
    I met the pretiest one. Of the town. She was knew for her moves. And all around. She told me. She wouldn't fall anymore. I made a promise to myself. We gonna met in this corner. Cause baby. You j...
  6. 6It's Cold Outside
    Baby, I met you. On a rainy day. Since then I I though of you. every single day. Had amazing nights. with you by my side. But my love became to tight. Cause, babe. It's cold outside. Why don&apos...
  7. 7My Old Friend
    My old friend. I miss you. Time we'll pass when we meet. Time flew faster than us. And now we can't recognize any affinities. Time, time, time. Do your work. Time, time, time. Make it worth....