8 letras de Músicas de Thus Defiled: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de Thus Defiled cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Crimson Vision In The Glade Of Shadowfire
    Shadow kings, drowned in moonlight. Carved of darkness in an age of pride. When the night was eternal. And the forest were endless. Come to me through the night. Burn your law into my mind. Night burn...
  2. 2Darkness Rape The Tranquil Shore Of Eternity
    Serenade of chaoswind. Cast off the cloak of light. Stand with glory in the darkness. Harmony falls to midnight. Flames of hatred burn in my soul. As the forgotten twilight of eternity. Serenity fades...
  3. 3Dominus Luciferi
    Chained 1000 years, cast down by angels. Mighty serpent of Earth, pour scorn down my soul. Raise your majestic head, speared by horns of black. Dominus Luciferi, Dominus Satanas. Eternal night of rele...
  4. 4Dreaming Beyond Dawnless Realms
    Down, through the depths of my soul. I awake, I walk. Beyond, through the shadows. Fire burns yet I feel no pain. I am one with this realm forever. I enter the flames. I am of fire. I embrace the drag...
  5. 5Fear Us For We Are The Darkness
    Dawn of eternal night. Calling of the black moon. Winter's grip, reign of fear. Desire of darkness grow strong. Satan, come, lead my soul. Darkness now consume me. I walk with glory in the coming...
  6. 6Through The Impure Veil Of Dawn
    Bleed, for my soul's inner desire. Ecstasy, nectar of my fallen god. Embers of death again burn blood red. (Raging) as the desire of the nameless one. Darkness, Evil, Impure, Lord. Dawnfall no lo...
  7. 7Under Blackening Horizons
    [Nicht von der Samen von Adam sind Wir. Abraham ist unser Vater nicht. Aber der Samen von der stolz Engel. Wurf von Himmel an]. We walk as one with shadows. Formless, Silent, yet screaming (unheard)....
  8. 8Wings Of Fallen Majesty
    Darkest Lord of nocturnal desires of perversion. Rider of the wings of silent terror. Fraternal Lord of all the deep. Wielder of the mystical arts of eternity. To thee Satanas, we await your victory....