5 letras de Músicas de Through a Glass: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Through a Glass cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1How To Impeach A King
    I’m so i’m so messed up. and you’re so unsuprising. that scheming pride you’re playing with. it leaves me so defenseless. which is all the more reason. to push you away. wh...
  2. 2Hush
    I’m a writer. of a language that’s both beautiful and tragic. translating on the page. every letter’s an admission sentence bringing to fruition things i just can’t speak w...
  3. 3Miss Lovely
    Back and forth and here again. i’ve finally found a place where i can feel again. back and forth and here again. i’m waiting for the day when you return to me. i’ve become so wort...
  4. 4Reclamation
    Straight lace and white collar. this is our digression. asking more than they can offer now. please allow me to diagnose this here. it’s a major lack of empathy. for a seeking generation that&#...
  5. 5Sing Choir Boy
    How long will i feel this pain. Yet the pain keeps me close to you. Cause with everyday comes. The truth that you’re gone. And i’m left here all alone. To sort through this mess. Iȁ...