7 letras de Músicas de Thronar: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Thronar cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1For Death and Glory
    Hail to ones who ride by our side. Death to the ones who still deny. Now that the lands are free at last. We hunt down those who praise the past. We hunt down those who praise the past. Our banners sh...
  2. 2Gift From The Gods
    Running over landscapes of ice and snow. Hiding the sword that carries the prophecy. My mind is full of grief and despair. I am maybe the only one left to destroy. To destroy them all. I took the swor...
  3. 3Grimnor Valora
    If I die in the battle to come. My death will be worth a great song. The crowds will shout my name. Commander of the flames. A force of pure rage. The crowds will shout my name. It doesn't matter...
  4. 4Screams Of Thunder
    Serving king nor queen. Living under no law except our own. Fighting to revenge our clans. Serving the one who grants us the secret of steel. The sound of clashing hammers filled the morning red sky....
  5. 5The Hunt For Vengeance
    Like shadows they moved, he had broken his oath. His new name: "He Who Knows No Fear". Now a warrior of Shara Kondor. Crimnor Valora was no more. You will wear the colour of the night to hon...
  6. 6To Kill And Be King
    We live, we grow stronger and then we fight. Kill, for a new life, kill and be king. Kill, a second chance, kill and be king. The dream, so far away, all that is left is hate. Kill, they can feel the...
  7. 7Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together
    Thronar, never taken by a mortal soul. Now, revelation of prophecy is coming. Ancient omens are revealing. Light is diminishing and danger is coming. The danger manifests itself as a powerful army. An...