8 letras de Músicas de Three-sided Cube: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 8 letras de músicas de Three-sided Cube cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Arrested
    A cancer can grows everyday. killing my cells. Transcending the pain. Hope going away. Sick and tired of this world. Acrid, hopeless. Selling and sold. Distant and cold. Chorus:. Im not free from thes...
  2. 2Dead End
    You can run. But you can´t hide. You came to me with eyes of a sphinx. You told me a charade that keep without answer. You send me a puzzle with three thousand pieces. Lost in the haze. Cries in...
  3. 3Earthling
    Sharks in a fishbowl. Piece missing in a puzzle. A song made of odd chords. That’s how it feels. Earthling – that’s how it feels. Cold snow against the skin. Fingernails in green....
  4. 4Guilt
    Don´t. Don´t move. Stay where you are. Fixed in the black and white. Scales of gray. Words written through the screen. Glass and wire. Thirst and water. Hours are days. All the days are full...
  5. 5Last Song
    Goodbye. Goodbye. Feel yourself hugged and kissed. Keep this gift as the last was given. Goodbye. Goodbye. Cant find the lyrics to this song. Minor chords and empty words. Goodbye. Goodbye. I drunk th...
  6. 6Mistake
    I’ll pick up the phone and call you today. To say foolish words and hear your voice speaking my name. Speak or Spell. Heaven and hell. These days passing by. Stand and bye. Refrão. Every t...
  7. 7Morphine
    You´re not inside of me to feel my pain. You´re not inside of me to feel my anger. My piece of heaven now have clouds that turn to gray. Turn to gray. You told me yesterday that nothing seem...
  8. 8Three Words
    I wrote three words. Keep them with me. Hidden from you. Escaping with scars. Heal from my spit. A cut from the edge. I forget a promise. I keep my word. I forgive a mistake. Cleaning the wardrobe. En...