7 letras de Músicas de Tholus: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 7 letras de músicas de Tholus cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Expropriated (the Brokking's Report)
    Now the headlines have got me sucked in. Lights unexplained - manage supply on demand. To tantalize and turn me on - question where I am. And to divert what truth that surrounds the impalpable. Dissol...
  2. 2Involuntary
    From beyond a Quasar. Lost artifacts – hmm… I Itch to be chocking. Spent to breathe - settle it up. So cold – the endless black – lost artifact. Drawing a blank - with Cray...
  3. 3Protocultures
    Defend. Sent forth - to seek it - the spores sell up. A construct - a separate fold of space. To cleave the organic fertile matrix - the conduit. Earth takes to the sky. Transform over ahead - incomin...
  4. 4Ripe For The Killing
    Arrayed - lets spill some blood. Perforate - small I am. A disease - I will control the world. Cancel what would be - a kill so cliché. You'll beg for light. I come from beyond - assail - di...
  5. 5Short Forevers
    (the passage of incineration). Pull gently the spiral - space time unfurls. A mandelbrot staircase wide - circumscribed. The netherworlds defined. Blow – parry – burn - transcend. Tunnel...
  6. 6Speculum Of The New Race
    The last thing I saw - my body slowly prepared. Pinned and strapped to the tray- I saw. Curious black eyes examining me – oh my god!. Altered states – is this real? - Tools laid out for...
  7. 7Staring Back
    A past life ancient soap-opera - so alive!. Spend the next ‘Days’ to speculate light and shadow. We trek upstream – to awake. Those who’ve forgone - chocking on human grist...