3 letras de Músicas de AstroCapella: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 3 letras de músicas de AstroCapella cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Dance Of The Planets
    When I was a child I tuned in to a beautiful fantasy. Humans just part of a peaceful Galactic community. I'd look up to the sky at night. And I'd ask myself could it be right. Are there plan...
  2. 2Doppler Shifting
    Susan cruisin' down the freeway doing seventy-eight. (go speed racing, go speed racing). She just likes to drive fast, it's not that she's late. (no tail-gating, no tail gating). Goes o...
  3. 3Shoulders Of Giants
    It was a calm and cloudless night but it was all still a blur. A shaking of our Universe was just about to occur. It was Summertime. 1609. when Galileo used his telescope for the very first time. and...