4 letras de Músicas de The Brendan Hines: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de The Brendan Hines cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Could've Sworn
    First and foremost there were legs. I tried charm, I tried begs. I can't, I can't wait but I will. Bury me beneath your hair. I can't take the morning glare. I can't, I can't...
  2. 2Don't Meddle
    Well her voice carries water, but it won't carry weight. He's known he couldn't stand her since the second date. But he's known to get lonely, and the hours they do get late. He im...
  3. 3The Butcher's Son
    The windshield is unconscious. And I wish I was too. The streets are tired and angry. You're good at what you do. The next time that I see you. It won't be like before. I won't roll my...
  4. 4To The Skull
    Let's just pretend it was a missunderstanding. Not worth mentioning for fear of being dull. Let's agree it was a miss. And you never heard it coming like a bullet to the skull. Like a bullet...