5 letras de Músicas de The Big Rave: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de The Big Rave cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1I Found A Way
    I never fall get pieces of a simple way. a found way,a found way. i always bown that pictures crazy view. a found way,a found way. if you hope without your mask. (see all six all days). it's gonn...
  2. 2Passar Mal
    eu sou assim. não ligue para mim. enjoada na estrada. no navio eu vomito. passo mal no trem. eu admito. pois eu sei que vou ficar ok. (refrão). bobagem minhaaaa. não vou ficar mal. n&#x...
  3. 3Please Stop
    I am scrush. my better nous. my heart. is scrash. way noy. please way not. (chorus). I am paty now. i am stay. not crayan. please stop. i am not. a cookie. pear a not scrash. please stooop. please sto...
  4. 4Sinistro
    you are voices i cant see. sam times your drems i cant to me. you a voices besb you ye. i want short am bes be where. i want shoes. i cant shoes. i gonna way. i you cant your luz. chorus. i cant you n...
  5. 5You Are
    You are my best friend. You are my hand token your hand. You are my star and my heart. (chorus). Please. I token bared. Two night's. couse. I not to do. Token, Token and mor toker. my reanchichip...