12 letras de Músicas de Spring Offensive: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 12 letras de músicas de Spring Offensive cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 152 Miles
    All that I want is to make the most of this one. All of the others will be swallowed up in its wake up. In its wake and I will bury and I will bury in a hole in my garden. I'll put a stone to rem...
  2. 2Bodylifting
    I feel your bodylifting. I feel our shape is shifting. I feel your bodylifting. I feel our shape is shifting. What it is to feel you. What it is to feel withdrawal. Face down in the water. Face up I&a...
  3. 3Carrier
    It works like a sickbug. I'm not feeling myself. It makes me curl up, it makes me wish I was dead. I've checked all the symptoms. They've got me sketchy and worried. I need to flush it...
  4. 4Cut The Root
    I look just like. I look just like my father. We share a common. We share a common structure. A simple law. A simple law of nature. We cut the root that holds. We cut the cord that binds us. We heard...
  5. 5Hengelo
    Don't send me back, don't send me home. It's too full of the ghosts I know. I am a wayward son, I am a wrecking ball. I'm at the gates, I wait in hope. Frozen by the eastern cold....
  6. 6No Assets
    So we gathered in a big heap all that we own. Couldn't work out what to keep and what to throw. If it doesn't mean the world then it has to go. We need the money. Our parents didn't wai...
  7. 7Not Drowning But Waving
    You saw the clothes and instinctively called for me. You said it was too far too cold to swim. And he was too far out at sea. But I had the hand of a clock beating me. There was no time to deflate my...
  8. 8Something Unkind
    You bring to mind the sound of everything played. At the same time and while this orchestra escapes. I remain stuck, paralysed and still. We moved from house to house in the vain hope. That a differen...
  9. 9Speak
    These last few days you've seen me at my best. And a closed book is as open as I get. When it's bad though, it is bad. You'll find me 30 feet in an ocean deep left alone, sealed in ston...
  10. 10The River
    You asked me. A very simple question and I gave you. The answer that I thought you deserved. If you want to find your lover. I suggest you slide into the river. Like the rat that you are. You left me....
  11. 11Worry Fill My Heart
    Oh me oh my hearts just not in this. I felt a lagging beat since my career path shifted. I asked no one for the life I'm leading. It dragged me in both feet first. With my tie tied too tight and...
  12. 12Young Animal Hearts
    I wear my best suit every day. I'm sure you understand. That I do all I can to be a modern man. I don't usually gesture in this way but I can feel. My shape twisting with change. I want to f...