4 letras de Músicas de Silly Minds: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de Silly Minds cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Live Your Life Today
    I don't know what to do. I don't think about you. I don't care about it all. No I don't care about it all. (Chorus). I got something to say. You got to change every day. Don't...
  2. 2My Life
    (Chorus). All my life I tried to understand you. All my life I had to hear your words. All my life I tried to understand you. All my life I had to hear your words. I am what I want to be. You do what...
  3. 3No More Words
    You answer me with a question. But you don't have the solution. The things will be the same. The world is so strange. I think I'll lose control. I think you'll never understand me. I al...
  4. 4Victims Of Society
    Everybody try to tell me what to do. Everybody try to tell what is the best for me. Everyday I have to do stupid things. Everyday I have to listen stupid things. (chorus). Victims of society. We can&a...