4 letras de Músicas de Seven Sorrows: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de Seven Sorrows cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Hope
    Defend me oh God. And plead my cause. Against a Godless nation. For you are my (only) haven. Why have you forsaken me?. Why must I wander in darkness. Send forth your light and truth. Let these be my...
  2. 2Regret
    The perfect night. her perfect hair. Into each other's eyes they stare. without a care. She says yes. their arms embrace. a soft smile breaks. her darkness covered face. Peacefully. they lay down...
  3. 3Tragic Ignorance
    My heart is bleeding and your eyes are closed. I want to bless you, but you'll never know. Your abuse yeah it doesn't show. My heart is bleeding and your eyes are closed. Oh please keep movi...
  4. 4Vengeance
    For all the years of misery. Daily beatings upon my mind. trying to break my will. Not a day goes by that I dont live. with the pain you caused inside. I cannot take back what I have lost, but I can r...