5 letras de Músicas de Revelance: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Revelance cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Dark Love
    Feel the pain of anguish and desire. Touch the freezing flames of my black fire. Watch your body shiver with convulsions and despair. Now you know what I feel, only now it's fair. Your presence s...
  2. 2My Only One
    I can only wish that you could live for ever. But in death we both will be reborn. I adore your voice and love your skin so tender, Hands that are as fragile, as a roses' thorn. O, my darling, un...
  3. 3Paradise Comes From The Word Die
    I'm the despair of the divine, The reflection in your eyes, The awfull dreams you tried to hide, For your place in paradise. "Paradise". Comes from the word "die". Come on, tr...
  4. 4The Back Side Of The Mirror
    When in the dark corner of your own heart. Again the burning candle was shot, When you come home, don't turn on the light. And feel your soul so painful and hot, The person you are is as if chang...
  5. 5The Castaways
    Down along the thoughtful grass, As the twinkle of a star, Like a bitter glow of steps, And a creak of remembrance, Anguish came and bore a cake:. Such a raw a gift, newly chosen. And a child so young...