3 letras de Músicas de POP ETC: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 3 letras de músicas de POP ETC cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Is
    Someone tell me how I got here. From the city to this frontier. All the noises join to make harmony. I was stranded on an island. Where I roam without direction. Is that the wind lifting me up?. Spiri...
  2. 2Speak Up
    All my love is around me. Like virgins clean today. Waist deep in the water. Pushing my body away. A wall makes me go. To pull past to me. Oh how many drops can you squeeze out to explain. What happen...
  3. 3What Am I Becoming?
    Oh ooh. oh ooh. oh ooh. oh ooh. You play a little rough. but I never knew you were after me. Now even when I'm alone. I feel like somebody's watching me. I couldn't smell the smoke. and...