5 letras de Músicas de Pendleton: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Pendleton cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Falling Apart To Double Time
    Tell me if there really is a difference. Half-time rock outs, half-time cop outs. We bang our heads to 30 bpm. Its not enough to induce emotion. With speeding riffs of sheer devotion, why?. We live in...
  2. 2Make It Better
    Whats with this urge, to follow the herd it seems like. Being individual is s cliched as it is benal. Wheres this level that we've sunk. When high streets dictate what we've done. We'll...
  3. 3The Difference
    Opportunity comes knocking, Take your chance or wait in line, The difference between us and them is clear, So take your chances or shut the fuck up, And while the roles of sheep and Shepard, Are clear...
  4. 4Tonight We Pray To Different Gods
    Flying out the door like I've been propelled by, Twenty thousand strong, singing songs, Swear to God I feel like Menelaus, (It's here! Run quick! Oh, shit!). You pay me on, I'll pay you...
  5. 5View Humans As Cattle
    There's a guy I know who fucked his life up, Works a job he hates, So he can drink with the other guys, To the choices that he made, I guess at twenty-one it didn't seem so final. All these...