13 letras de Músicas de Off Minor: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 13 letras de músicas de Off Minor cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Transient
    I told the new me:. "Meet me at the bus station and hold a sign that reads:. 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life'". But the old me met me with a sign that read:. "...
  2. 2Cadaveric
    perhaps these hands held children's hands. but what do they hold now?. what love lay in this heart now silent. empty, a broken vessel. i've searched and searched from crown to toe. but there...
  3. 3Farewell, Ne'er-do-we
    he has deep pockets and shallow veins. the appeal of this is so obvious. she is his anchor in that she holds him up. he is her anchor in that he pulls her down. she is so easy on the eyes. "you d...
  4. 4It's A Beauty
    "what do you see in me?". asked and answered honestly. "nothing, you are just a skin to me. I think I'll name you 'trophy'. why can't you see through me?"...
  5. 5Monday Morning Quarterbacks
    dear friend, dearly departed. Please let these words mean. so much more than they seemed, retroactively, for my sake more than yours. (The dead feel no guilt). I need to know that what. you took was e...
  6. 6My Recovery
    thank you st. jude. left intact and brought back, a little lees than before. a little less inclined to credit where credit's due. (help me help myself) a patron saint of a thousand stitches. (he...
  7. 7Perfect Strangers
    oh "mother" I am an ungrateful child. oh "father" I am a chosen child. choosing nurture over nature and this unnatural desertion. because you mean no more to me than biology. ingen...
  8. 8Remainder
    your search for patterns found me standing in line. in avoiding compliance you fell into mine your good intentions are set aside. build me up with promise broken down in time. I'd hoped for the i...
  9. 9Some Clown
    Am I out in limbo, less a man than a mannequin?. Am I out on a limb, burning daylight pining patiently?. A claim's made that intent is a backhanded compliament. But I'm taking each step like...
  10. 10Spartan
    In a moment of lucidity, you said to me: "Push this boat from shore. What I am now is past and with every passing moment I resemble myself less and less. Don't let this be living for me&qu...
  11. 11Staring Down The Barrel Of Limited Options
    post-morbidity, pre-mortality, the dying proceeds and the living intercede. on the behalf of your best interests as we percieve them. and so you sign this document stating the following:. "please...
  12. 12The Heat Death Of The Universe
    Good things go for those who wait too long to say, but who's to say that this is the end. I am. This time we have permanence. This time we are gone. This time we are separated by an infinite dist...
  13. 13This Is A Hostage Situation
    This hand on this gun to my head is my own. and these are my demands:. If you leave me, take me with you, I am nothing without you. People who need people are the wretchedest in the world....