5 letras de Músicas de Nic Billman: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Nic Billman cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Fragrance
    There is a fragrance in this place. A sweet,sweet aroma beginning to rise. It's a fragrance of worship,a fragrance of love. A fragrance fit for the chamber of our king. This is our song. This is...
  2. 2Shores Of Grace
    Verse 1. You are the father to the fatherless. The mother to the orphan child. You are the open arms to the prodigal, Grace to the harlot daughter. Chorus. There is nothing apart from Your love. (rep...
  3. 3Spinning
    So come and wrap us with the train of your robe. Cover our nakedness and warm the coolness of heart. And I will sing it to you as we dance. Spinning me around (you won't let me fall to the ground...
  4. 4The Invitation
    There's a calling out. There's a calling out. Come up here, come up here. My beloved, my bride. I see the light coming from the throne. Breaking through the night as you call. I feel the tre...
  5. 5The Lion's Roar
    There is a son who is a lion. There is a lion who is a lover. And roar of the lion is love song over us. And roar of the lion is love song over us. And the gaze in your eyes is like flame of the fire....