12 letras de Músicas de Maxz: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 12 letras de músicas de Maxz cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1A Vida E A Flor
    De volta o escuro mudo é tão igual. A um lugar seguro, Sempre em frente, não olha pra trás;. Penso em mudar o mundo, Sempre é tarde, não vai esperar. Nem mais nenhum minu...
  2. 2And Then
    Trust in the rain, trust in the rain. Trust anyway, trust anyway. Will it go back, and turn again another time, I was not waiting you. Heavens find you, and problems turn back again, I wasn't wai...
  3. 3Anyway
    A little bit of love affection, The demonstration of all I've done for you is all I mean, Representing what you've come to do. It’s such a beautiful time; it’s such a beautiful...
  4. 4Her House
    I'd never know what was the problem. 'Till I realized that we were walking steps behind. (From where we started). Hold me close, hug tight and worm, So then I can find out sights of your sto...
  5. 5I Will
    I'll leave you clues to find out why I'm down. I'll lead you through the whole way trapped out. I'll take you beyond the streets, call my name. I'll carry you away for you to...
  6. 6Lack Of Creativity (i Like/you Like)
    I like listening the rain as it falls stalking all the ground. Embrancing all the life that was created from. I like listening to him playing his old guitar. So pure and shocked climbing notes ahead o...
  7. 7Políticas
    Segue com a cabeça erguida, Minha querida: tudo passará!. Levaste um belo chute da vida;. Ferida que não tarda a sarar. Segue tua marcha batida, Finge que não vê que te espiam...
  8. 8Quase Tudo
    Compre dois e pague três, Pague a embalagem mais cara, Dicionários português-inglês. Para ensinar quem não faz nada (nem sabe ler). Compre o lápis e a borracha. Para apag...
  9. 9Science Ironies
    Lose a game to find it never ends. Play your life to learn mysterious ways, Write down your thoughts, 'cause it'll soon begin. Do you think the war will come from ground?. Do you believe thi...
  10. 10The Creative Process
    It could be raining, it could be pouring out. Or maybe a sunshine floating down a horizon. Maybe by the drive-in he saw a girl. Maybe Sandy smiled as he drew its sun. It takes less than a minute to lo...
  11. 11The Sunrise After The Nightmare
    Am I ok? Yeah, I'm ok, Despite the sun that didn't come. (Until now. ). Up through the day she shows me ways, To knock the lever; All the things you said. (Until now. ). The sunrise after th...
  12. 12Uma Semana
    Anjos terríveis me assustam de dia. E me dizem o que ler, me fazem expressar. O que de noite eu não faria. O que em dois eu não diria. São sentimentos, nos dias de chuva que vã...