13 letras de Músicas de Joshua Alo: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 13 letras de músicas de Joshua Alo cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Be Free, Be True
    Be free with me brothers and sisters. We cannot hold down this anchor much longer. We see the heathen run because they know we are stronger. All of our lives we've been taught to surrender. To th...
  2. 2Feel It In The Air
    The truth may not always be what it seems. Though keep a firm meditation, in christ we believe. Humble yourselves and do jah works. And keep your heart clean. From birth to death we must find the purp...
  3. 3Hold On
    Cold ground was his bed and at night. Never knows a silent hour. A letter received from his wife he opens slowly. To savor the scent of a flower. Woman of his life informs him his child was born. At t...
  4. 4Irie
    They can say what they want to say. But we will always say IRIE. They can always bring all their pain. But we will stay IRIE. Love in our hearts a deep blue meditative soul. No hearsay, no sus sus sus...
  5. 5Keep
    When the lights go low keep, shining. When the clouds roll in keep, praising. When all hope seems gone keep, praying. In the hard times songs keep, chant-chant-chanting, hallelujah. It wasn't too...
  6. 6Lukewarm
    In the morning I went out into the desert. In search of my soul it's neither hot nor cold. And I know I'll grow old never letting the truth be. Told or unfolded in my walk. When I know I can...
  7. 7Orchid Unknown
    Would it be a shame to be. Non equivalent to how I am in my dreams. By only following the stars while they shine at night. And giving up the course at sunrise when I lose sight?. I know I must keep up...
  8. 8Psalm 146
    Praise the lord. Praise the lord oh my soul. I will praise the lord all my life. I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save. When t...
  9. 9Rhythm So Divine
    Tonight let us rejoice in the most high. Because you know it's right. To be free of all of this misery. It's alright if you've done wrong. You can still fight evil out of your life. Jus...
  10. 10Senses
    I see the beauty of creation. I feel the elemental vibration. I hear the vibes of this rockin' roots reggae nation. One heart, one soul, one mind. Trifecta brings foundation. You got to know what...
  11. 11The Essence
    So pure is the essence. Full of love, life and undying acceptance. Giving more, receiving less. With no regrets its sweet caress. Worthy of transcendence. So powerful is the essence. Like a ship tosse...
  12. 12Treasure In My Chest
    The wind blows from east to west. And as it blows I know that I've been more than blessed. Blessed with pure beauty cool like this wind riding along the sea. All condensed in the presence of this...
  13. 13You'll Never Know
    You'll never know when that day will come. When you'll find the chance to help someone. Do not elect to waiver goodness I say. Then proclaim that it's just not on your way. Should you k...