10 letras de Músicas de F.A.T.E.: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 10 letras de músicas de F.A.T.E. cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Black Dog
    {Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme}. Maniac creature with gigantic teething. Pay attention to that killing machine. Staring (at) me with eyes of hate. And growling like a truck engine. Appe...
  2. 2Chibulitude (Trained To Kill)
    [backing vox : Feutse]. ["On entraine les jeunes soldats r tirer sur des hommes, mais leurs officiers ne les autorisent pas r ecrire MERDE sur leurs avions parce qe c'est obsccne. "]. [...
  3. 3Conformism
    ["Deux routes s'offraient r moi, et lr j'ai suivi celle ou on n'allait pas. Et j'ai compris toue la difference. "]. [Robert Frost (1874-1963)]. Obssessed by what they se...
  4. 4Epitaph Of A Greedy World
    I hate this world where I was born. I loathe the knowledge pretention. The ethics and virtue mankind defends. The hypocrisy of human venture where. Altruism is pride on even when. Greed and selffishne...
  5. 5Insane
    [backing vox : Poupou/Xela]. Insane. Insane. Kim Jon II. A population is starving. Families run away to escape death. Men, women, children. If they fail, they're burnt at the stake. A relative...
  6. 7People Never Change
    You can't go out the real human nature. You can't fight against the primary instincts. Don't pretend the opposite !. You're not different. [solo mr 8]. So easy to destroy, too tiri...
  7. 8Smoke The H
    Sensi. Dives me. Into. Love and wisdom. No escape from this brutal reality. I want to get so high. Away from this sick world. Away from this chaos. Smoke shroud(s) my body. It's arousing my sense...
  8. 9Stagnant Water Of Mind
    Sleeping deep down behind your eyes. I'm the thing who mortifies the mind. Waking p a chaos you've never known. Saturate you with millions (of) insane thoughts. Listen to my voice. An immort...
  9. 10State Of Violence
    I don't support. This state of violence. I need to scream. Loud my convictions. I refuse it. Noise is my violence. I fight for peace. Words are my weapons. No solution. Kids play with with guns....