14 letras de Músicas de Brain Forest Rytual: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 14 letras de músicas de Brain Forest Rytual cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Amnesiah
    Amnesiah. She runs out of her mind. She lets her past got isolated. She lets her feelings to demise. The memories just slipped away. Amnesiah. Fear climbs up her spine. Fear knows for all her fears. B...
  2. 2Behind The Window
    Behind the Window. Behind the window you're making cobweb. Over the picture in shape of my heart. And after all the hard tests I come to be the one. Your pulse rolls my impulse. Your tears my eye...
  3. 3Coldness
    Coldness. Coldness through my bones keeps me standing still. As you gone away I turned myself in a moveless plant. No sound to move me. No story to touch me. Ah is this my heart. Inside was the stone....
  4. 4Feel Sorry
    Feel Sorry. I feel sorry for you. Don't feel sorry for me. cause I feel sorry just enough for everybody....
  5. 5Fog
    Fog. I think about us we dream our way. I dream about us we fall asleep in fog. Lie is my food. Wall is my doubt. I don't wanna see. I don't wanna go in fog. She could hide. She could erase...
  6. 6I Lied I Believe
    I destroyed all the controls of life secure and safe. And I killed all the answers on how to kill time. I ripped all the relations with all I was related. I lied all the reflections which I believe we...
  7. 7Immortal Day
    Immortal Day. Who doesn't hear voices. Who calls your name. Who doesn't feel anything. Who fades your faith. Who doesn't know who is who. Who hates your hand. Who's not with who to...
  8. 8Mind Wide Shut
    Mind Wide Shut. I see the god when I look in the mirror. I feel like a shepherd when I walk on the grass. I create this world simply sitting in the corner. I play the Satan when I get too high. I give...
  9. 9Mono Logic
    Mono Logic. When I try I don't try hard. When I drive I shut my eyes. Eyes. You used to pull me out. This time you are so far. So far. It's a long way. If you don't know your destinatio...
  10. 10Not Alone
    Not Alone. My old friends is outside. My new friend is beside. Old friend is complaining that he's lost in the new world. New friend is laughing that he put a fence around me. I think I’m...
  11. 11Ordinaries
    Ordinaries. Ordinary days ordinary places ordinary faces with glassy eyes. I just want to go back to the edge where I belong. Who still wants to go back to the edge where I belong. Who waits tomorrow...
  12. 12Piece Of Advice
    Piece Of Advice. From lately days of my childhood I remember one of my neighbours. He used to tell me that this life is just an old bitch. So boy don't let yourself be a customer. Better try to g...
  13. 13Useless
    Useless. I'm so tired of making things right. I'm so exhausted of keeping my mind straight. I'm so frustrated with strength of my hatred. No I’m not proud with wasting my semen....
  14. 14Where Have I Been
    Where Have I Been. (Where have you been). I don't where I’ve been happy. I can't remember where I’m heading. I don't know where. Where is the way out where is that door. P...