5 letras de Músicas de Bishop Afame Okeke: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Bishop Afame Okeke cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Gangsters
    Gangsters. Lots of situations. That try to make me sad. They try to stop me from. To sing and preach the word. Lots of situations. That are yet to come. Face your problems. For nothing can resist. Gan...
  2. 2I Believe
    I believe in the son of God. Aleluia. Jesus Christ is the son of god. Aleluia. He told me he's coming back. Aleluia. 'cause I believe in the son of God. Aleluia. His word it will never fail....
  3. 3Jerusalém
    Jerusalém. Cidade santa. Jerusalém. Onde vou morar. Jerusalém. Cidade santa. A nova Jerusalém. Todo mundo canta ali. Aleluia. Todo mundo canta assim. Aleluia. Todo mundo canta ali....
  4. 4Lord I Surrender
    Lord I surrender. All to you. I cannot wage wars. resisting your will. for how long. will I stay. in this worid. that I keepon. witholding you. knowing for sure. that at the end time. you'll requ...
  5. 5Reputation
    Reputation by Prince Okeke. I've got a song to sing(2x) yeah!!. Telling you about the song I've got to sing(4x). It says no to drugs and say yes to life. It says no to lies and say yes to tr...