5 letras de Músicas de Bane of Winterstorm: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 5 letras de músicas de Bane of Winterstorm cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1The Ancient Ritual Of Räkth
    Master, grant me power beyond this realm. eternal, the twisted forms of the damned call to me. servant; you will kneel before your lord. devour, the blood of the dragon now flows through your veins. a...
  2. 2The Black Wind Of Morthion
    "I have come for your kingdom. you will fall to your knees in agony. as your sons are crushed before you". "a war has come to claim our land. from ravenhall their legions came. take you...
  3. 3The Last Sons of Perylin
    Aranon. "the icy north winds blow. announcing their return from the gate. beyond the realm of light. my brother has come back. leading horse and man against these lands. with eternal night. great...
  4. 4The Magic Of Mithren's Ring
    Find the ancient ring. the damned souls shall speak once more. guide me to his cell. he shall know what I've become. mithren is now mine. bound in chains of forgotten words. force his hand to me....
  5. 5The Warlord's Last Ride
    Aranon. I now ride into victory. in the shadow of war. divine gods and angels; the tyrant will fall!. I'll face my destiny. the black crown of ohr. their legions of terror shall haunt us no more....