4 letras de Músicas de Art Paul Schlosser: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 4 letras de músicas de Art Paul Schlosser cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Jesus Is The Answer(Copyrighed 1992)
    Jesus is the answer. Even if it's cancer. Jesus is the solution. Even if it's pollution. Deep inside your soul. He will make it go. He will set you free. Jesus is the key....
  2. 2My Cat Was Taking A Bath(Copyrighted 1989)
    1. I was riding home late at one night. When there in my house I saw a light. And when I got inside. Right before my eyes. Chorus:. My cat was taking a bath. My cat was taking a bath. It was a quarter...
  3. 3The One Chord Song(Copyrighted 1989)
    This song only has one chord. That's why your bored. This song only has one chord. That's why your bored. One chord. Your bored. Your bored. One chord....
  4. 4You Don't Gotta Die
    1. you don't gotta die. You don't gotta die. You don't gotta die and kill yourself. Just cause you don't got that much wealth. 2. you don't gotta go. You don't gotta go....