11 letras de Músicas de Anarchus: Baixar MP3, Significado, etc.

Conheça as 11 letras de músicas de Anarchus cadastradas no nosso site. Clique em cada uma delas para acessar detalhes diversos.

  1. 1Adora
    In the world. where she was born. witchcraft and. sorcery were practiced. Transformation, Christianity, Cremation. Adora walks her way. through the forest in the night. The moon is shining brightly. A...
  2. 2Creation Of A Religion
    It's easy to be a god. First you have to get a bunch of fakers. Ignorant if it's possible. Then you have to create a philosophy. Based on bad trips and masochism. In the end you have to find...
  3. 3Die Rede Des Erhabenen
    Ich weiß, daß ich hing. am windigen Baum neun Nächte lang. mit dem Ger verwundet geweiht dem Odin. ich selbst mir selbst, an jenem Baum. da jedem. fremd. aus welcher Wurzel er wäch...
  4. 4Final Fall Of The Gods
    Until when shall we live. In this world of dreams called religions. Stupid ideas of supernatural worlds. Thousands of years creating religions. Searching for answers about afterlife. Denying this life...
  5. 5Flowers To The Pigs
    In the way of fashion you live. As a puppet you response. Going in the wind's direction. No individuality no personality. Yesterday I was someone. Today I'm someone else. Tomorrow who I&apos...
  6. 6Furor Teutonicus
    The moon. lets proudly glisten the warpaint. and spikes. the knights. they stand. over there. watching in the dark. are fearless. while they think. That could be. the last beautiful night. Be willing...
  7. 7Ishavet Kaller
    Ishavet Kaller. Living between the ice. My time goes slow. It's only me. Me and my soul. Searching in the immensity. In this land of darkness. I'm the only one here. I'm alone. And the...
  8. 8Jesus Christ (impostor)
    Who was him. Just a human being. Imposed by the church. Killed for his sins. Who was him. Imposed by the force. Displacing ancient gods. With a very worst religion. Can you believe in this called son...
  9. 9Kissing The Heathen Amulet
    Riding towards the horizon. Upon the monumental rocks, awaiting. the end of a dishonourable life, I perceive my morality fading to. a weakly seeming substance, climbing towards my yer unsealed. faith,...
  10. 10The Entity In The Room
    I can see a light. Coming from my room. I can feel a smell. That really turns me on. I can see a form. Naked woman form. Lying in my bed. She calls my name. Called by mistake. An evanescent creature....
  11. 11Undisclosed Treasures Of The Mortal
    He was the one, who could control his power, and lives for all eternity. He was the one, who homages his strength, his will be reprieved. by the gods. He was the one, who stood on the cliff. fighting...